
“Naʻu ke kūkaulani”

I carry out and bear a life of chiefly fashion. We are on a continuous mission to lead and amplify true Made in Hawaiʻi luxury fashion design. By creating and perpetuating unique, custom artistic experiences with our clients, KINI ZAMORA, led by CEO and designer Kiniokahokuloa Zamora, thoughtfully produces and fuses our beautiful island culture and essence into each personal connection, detailed design, project and piece - always enhancing this ever evolving and elite craft.


To illustrate, model, and live definitively as Hawai'i's fashion staple in clothing, accessories, and home goods - and humbly recognize and celebrate, through the hanauna (generations), the legacy set forth by the art of Kiniokahokuloa Zamora.



Designer/CEO Kini Zamora 

Assistant/Graphic Designer Dallas Nagata White

Business/Communications Executive Anuhea Diamond Patoc 

Sales Coordinators Sabrina Patoc

Design Assistant  Charmaine Viernes

Fashion Show Producers  


Photography Makalapua Atkins, Orlando Benedicto

Website  Ân "Tank" Tạ (Super Space Cadets)